Blog Archives

Thoughts on Thyme

       In the world of culinary arts there’s an endlessness to learning. I grew into cooking with a particular adoration and study in Italian food. Thyme was one herb among many that called the Italian culinary pantheon home.

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Sourdough Boule

  I have taken to baking sourdough at home on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. After reading Michael Pollan’s Cooked I quickly became interested in trying to reproduce artisanal whole wheat sourdough boule loaves (french for “ball”). The dough, a

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Russian Brined Apples ~ A Charcuterie Plate’s Best Friend

Chestnut crab apples, riping in early Sept., are a long ways off from being in season but as my inaugural post for TCW I think it fitting as its one of my all time favorite preserves. Picking and preserving has

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