In the world of culinary arts there’s an endlessness to learning. I grew into cooking with a particular adoration and study in Italian food. Thyme was one herb among many that called the Italian culinary pantheon home.…
In the world of culinary arts there’s an endlessness to learning. I grew into cooking with a particular adoration and study in Italian food. Thyme was one herb among many that called the Italian culinary pantheon home.…
I have taken to baking sourdough at home on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. After reading Michael Pollan’s Cooked I quickly became interested in trying to reproduce artisanal whole wheat sourdough boule loaves (french for “ball”). The dough, a…
Chestnut crab apples, riping in early Sept., are a long ways off from being in season but as my inaugural post for TCW I think it fitting as its one of my all time favorite preserves. Picking and preserving has…
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